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♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



I smell freedom.
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Thursday 16 May 2013 | 00:00 ©

❤Mother is Queen❤
Celebrated mother's day with mummy at Sushi Tei with my relatives. We head out before 6pm and we had to wait for an hour! :< Long queue everywhere! Tried to study out but it was packed. :/ Hohoho sushi galore! As much as i love rice, how is sushi not enough for me when all of them are stuffed with rice?! And i ate more than 10 of those, along with others. The tamago mentai yaki is yummy! :) Ordered 2 hotplates of gyoza because I'm super in love with the sauce. And no! I did not eat them by myself. :) The pumpkin croquette too was goooood! Mummy love those alot, along with her spicy tuna, octopus and the gyoza nabei soup. :D

Another mother's day spread with 's mom and family. The food was suuuper delicious! I love steamed fish! :D The chicken wings look really skinny but the it's because they separated the bones from the meat, so the other side has all the meat. And they fry it with some sauce it's SO sweet! I love it! :D Not a fan of oily and squishy fats food, but this duck was whoooo~ I ate it dipped in the duck sauce and wrapped in the vegetable. Crispy and Sweet! The super crispy tofu with this kinda spicy sauce. Felt more like an appetiser. My favourite was the lobster porridge. The soup is oh SO sweet that i can keep drinking it, until I'm full, of course. :P And the lobsters were meaty :O, though difficult to get it out from their shells. And prawns! My darling prawns! ;) The other one is the bamboo shoots. I've never eaten it before i think, or maybe i have but it didn't taste like this. It's covered with loads of garlic so vampires wont eat their food :X, but the taste is pretty good. But i didn't eat the garlic. Ended the meal with red bean ice cream! :D I realised that all the food were pretty flavourful or rather to the sweet and saltish side. Nothing bland here. That's why i love them all!

Books to burn
YES! 2 DOWN! 1 MORE TO GO! My life is like those of a prisoner. Yet, the only difference is that it's really tiring. Every inch of my body cell is screaming to drop it, and go have fun. I can't hold on much longer. Every single day. Almost. I have to study. It's so painful. It's a test of determination, mental strength and whatsoever. NERDDDDD~ Lols. :X I am so close to dumping all my books and just be free, free to do whatever i want.  Okay, not exactly, since i predict i will have many dinner-less nights to come since trainings are going tor resume once exams are over.

Friends to chill
I miss all my friends, i miss hanging out, eating, doing stupid or random stuff, walking around... I can't wait to plan my days. I want to grab a book and lie on the couch all day. Or maybe go for tea and talk about whatever's left of the world to be talked about... But firstly i want to cut my hair! I can finally cut my hair! because I'm superstitious and someone told me that cutting hair is like cutting away your good luck. ;D HA HA... and trim my brows! and maybe go for a massage if i have the money and if i'm getting aches from dance... ETC... But then again, i have no money. HA HA! And yay! 3 more weeks till I'm off and on the ✈! WHOOOO~ :D
Feet to point
At the same time, I'm quite sad about not getting to learn Coppelia and Nutcracker's sugar plum fairy variation. :< And I'm going to miss quite  bit of lessons, hope I'm able to catch up and pray that my exam won't be in early August! :/
People to doubt
It's so difficult to tell what a person is really like these days. When you thought you knew someone, but it turns out that you don't. I don't know if it's because of a situation, impression, it has always been like that with the person. Everyone really has quite a bit of baggage with them, and i always can't seem to see that until it's a little too late. I really am too naive. :/

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