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Welcome to our blog!.

♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



Last bit of whatever's left / / Geneeyo's
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Sunday 12 May 2013 | 16:22 ©

HELLO FRIENDS!! I'm back and blogging on a sunny Sunday afternoon now! Time check: 1pm (confirm to take me hrs cos i blog/edit/blog/edit e pics but thank god e editing apps make everything easy!)~

YAY, and HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY TO ALL MOMMIES!! My mother's day dinner has been postponed to next week so it will be a belated one! but nonetheless, everyday is still mother's day la! (okay gonna give my mom a big hug and get all cheesy especially for today hahahahaha)

**heemii: I can! but weekends only okay!! hehe**

back on track, gonna wrap up my Bangkok post!! feeling sad cos i'm missing everything back there again and again :/ Sept anyone? hehe 

Day 4 


visuals!! Intended to set off to Chatuchak Market or JJ Market around 8 plus but we couldn't drag ourselves up, way too tired and ended up at around 10 plus! hahaha


as usual~

my sister was all ready for the sun!!

un-glam pics credit to da sisterxz

having some playtime before making our way to get roasted!


this is a working railway track!! we hurried to the side after hearing the horn~ okay enuf of playtime, made our way to the station!

sooo empty 

while waiting for transit at another station! foreigners everywhere! 
didn't manage to snap a pic of the overly insane crowd when we reached there!
It was already so crowded before noon! Get there early if you don't wanna get roasted like us.

finally found our way to the famous coconut ice cream! i guess only at JJ market? 
not bad! and you can also request for a cup of free coconut juice! hehe

after that we settled our lunch at some eatery and that's our 'thai cai bng' HAHA
the basil mincemeat was a tad too spicy for me :/

never fail to cam-whore anywhere, anytime.

Me: omg so shagged/sticky and full 
Sis: oh no moreeeeeeeeee :( 

Sis: oooooooo shall we make our way to more food?
hahahahha okay just for fun. *DON'T BE PETTY CHERYL CHIANG* hehe

shopped for a while more after lunch before we decided to.....

but anyway it was really too hot and sticky to go on so we made our way back with these new friends : blistered shoulder and finger. lol 

chutuchak park! loads of locals there seen picnicking and wanted to rest there for a while but no food/ no mat no nothing. lol 'aiyaaaa just faster get back to e hotel' hahahaha 

this was how i looked when we reached the hotel. So damn sticky and exhausted!
i sent this to the boyf and guess what he commented? 'you looked like the pig in Journey to the West (the movie) leh!! face so shiny one!

bought this back to try!! i like it!! hehe

napped and went for our manicure session!


bought our dinner back after that!

the mess that we need to settle before flying back to Sg! haha and yup, that summed up our day 4!

Day 5

Last day already! woke up to pack our luggage before doing some last min shopping. ikr girls~

Beauty Buffet's products lol (not everything to myself! my friends too!)
our hauls! hehe

our 'i <3 Bangkok' twins tees!

my clone! super act cool hahahahah

last round of street food!! 

had KFC for lunch! and i only ate a bite and that's it. We regretted eating cos our throats were too sore to take in fried food! but the milo was yummy and thick! (Y)

back to the hotel and off to the airport! met this super good cabbie on one of the days there and got him to fetch us to the airport! why good? he goes ONLY by meter and it only costs us less than 200 Thai Baht! hehehehe

and yayyy finished!!!!!! YAYYY FINALLY!! :D

Random updates

one of the days while clearing up my stuff~

finally met this bitchy pie over at her place! tons and tons of stuff to say. I don't think we ever shut our mouths when we meet. hahahhahahah

lalalalalala feeling damn lame and went to deco the pic

sushi w sister and boyf!

okay cheat day for me on Fri!! like i said over instagram: 'I think I missed my childhood days wasting money on neo prints too much that I gone abit crazy this time but anyway it's F R I D A Y!!! CHEAT DAY toooo. Oom nom nom' HAHA

yes, went over to NSRCC for my nephew's first birthday! i love the chalets there.


SO CUTE RIGHT? the theme was S E S A M E STREET!! my cousins did all the decorations and by that i mean those balls of sesame street's characters too! One of the things i always love attending their gatherings is looking forward to their DIY stuff!! so gonna engage em for any of my events next time lol. so crazily good!


cute right? the goodies!


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