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♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



First bachelorette! :D
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Thursday 25 April 2013 | 01:00 ©

Happy girl got her kitty~! YAY~
So super duper tired after walking for a few hours. :< Shopping is taking a toll on me now. My legs, knees, and feet are killing me even though I'm wearing flip flops. I just want to sit down. Boohoo~ on the bright side, I've got everything settled now. :D looking forward to the weekends yet abit scared because I'll have quite a bit to handle on the same day. Hope everything goes well! :)

Excited for the wedding this weekend!
It's finally going to happen. I hope i don't cry. Hahaha~ i don't know why but it's so touching, especially the part when the bride walks down the aisle and the pair exchange their vows. Awwww~ hope i don't be such a sissy otherwise it will ruin my make up. :X going to get my hair and make up done~ feels so pampered! :P this is my second time, first was for prom! i have to look very proper because I'm the bridesmaid, main in honour! I didn't even know what it meant when i was told, i had to google the definition hahaha :X The title scares me! It's too heavy for me, i think! Sounds like i have to do alot! But so far, the bride has got everything under control, i haven't even do anything for her. :X anyways, totally messed up the timing to walk during rehearsal yesterday, oops! Hope i get the pace right! :D and not to forget my tasks during the wedding!!!

And last weekend was the bride's hen's night!

The theme was 80's so everyone looked like they just finish aerobics or something. Hahaha~ I was quite embarrassed initially because dinner was at Prive, and i was dressed so comically! LOL We got a limo too just for the fun of it. First time sitting in a limousine! Felt so cool. :X But it went really slow, like some kind of universal studio ride enjoying the scenery in a cartoon car. Hahaha~ After that, we alighted at Clarke Quay and played some games. One of the game was that the bride-to-be had to sing some 80's song and raise $20! I thought it was impossible, since everyone there will want to spend on their drinks rather than give it away. But oh my god! This guy gave $20! It took her less than 15 minutes. Ha ha! First time doing all these and it was quite funny. Been really busy preparing for my upcoming exams so the other bridesmaid was in charged of planning the night (i feel guilty once again because i haven't done much :/) it was fun! Though i think i might have spent a bomb. :O and it's also the first time i realise how difficult it can be taking care of a drunk person. I really don't think I'm suitable to be a caretaker of any sorts. :/

Food at Prive was good especially the truffle fries with the sauce. The pasta though seemed ordinary, but was really good as well. Loved how the vegetables and pasta came together. The fish and chips was normal but i really like it with the vinegar sauce, if i remember correctly. No idea what wine that was, but it's so sweet i can't stop drinking! It tastes so good! :D
 And hot soup after one long night! Bak kut teh~ :D
Fancy some Chinese food?
Everyone was starving after the wedding rehearsal. And we ate... the samsui chicken, which was really tender, the vegetables were so so, i really liked the prawns and tofu with some sauce that was similar to those when you order crabs, century egg with vegetables (i like! because of the century egg, even though it is fertilised with shit. :X), sweet sour pork, tofu, fish, and this seafood or pork minced meat thingy that was good! And to end our night, hot chocolate that was so super thick and sweet, it was too much for my already sweet tooth! It was a lovely family bonding session. :D
On a random note
I always feel guilty for skipping lecture even though i know it's a waste of time. There's always a "what if" bugging me at the back of my head! Ahhhh I'm such a coward. D;

Now, it is the worst period everrrr! Hope nothing crops up and i can rest my mind and heart and soul and just concentrate 100%! Sometimes i feel like placing myself on an empty island so i won't be distracted. But... i think i might get bored and start swimming instead. :/

Looking forward to the last day of my papers and i can get to meet all my happy pills again! :D I'm missing everyone so much right now. Emo nemo :<

Hope i get a job too! Otherwise, i don't know how I'm going to live. :O

And also, looking forward to overseas trip in June! Much needed break right now. Think I've got to get away for a bit to know what i want from home. It clears your head and puts you in a different perspective. :)
Okay Bye~

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