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♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



Window to my bubble~ ;D
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Thursday 18 April 2013 | 00:22 ©

I want to live in a bubble...
When someone tries to enter my bubble with a negative agenda, or tries to hurt me, the bubble bursts. Everyone will fall, and we will die in the moment that we're suppose to feel all those negative feelings or remember things we wish we can't, until we hit a new bubble, and within this bubble is my own world again without all the bad memories. All i get to feel is happy, different sorts of happy.

Caught Singapore's Dance Delight for the first time.

It was pretty rocking kicks. Some of the teams were reeeally bringing it on. Love their swag. Especially the females! They were even more bad ass than some all guys team! Fierce beeetch! Haha~ The emcee was Sheik Haikel for the night that lasted 4 hours long. He was saying, in hip hop if they say something bad, it means something good. Hahaha~ like.. She was popping like a beeetch. Hahaha~ totally not offended in that sense. Then i want to be a beeetch too! :P Anyways the champions were really super strong, they had the techniques, choreography and intensity, though it wasn't really a hip hop piece, but i thought they killed it. The crews in 2nd and 3rd place were really good too! Especially since their choreography brought a little humour to it, like some style of hiphop, it made me happy watching do their thing! :D Also, one of the sponsors is F&N and they had this booths outside where we could take videos and print them into pictures. So fun! Though a bit embarrassing! Hahaha~ imagine moving around for, i can't remember how many seconds and looking funny or stupid but without any sound and the people in charge of the equipment and people passing by are looking at you! And there was the other booth, where we were suppose to dance for i can't remember how many seconds as well, and we can edit our background when we're done! That was taken and kept as a video! It was soooo fun and stupid doing it! Ha ha it feels good to do stupid things like that, once in a while. ;)

Had dim sum! Whoo!
The crispy looking ball that looks like yam paste balls has some meat inside, good for me! Not really a super big fan of the yam paste, but it's alright. I love prawns! So i love all the dim sum with prawns inside. And the duck meat with the sauce! I like the sauce actually, because i don't like to eat duck meat, there's this duck smell. Lol. :X This is alright. :D The pork meat was okay since i can dip it in wasabi sauce, but it left a lingering pork taste which i kind of don't like, too strong for my liking though the meat is pretty tender. Ha ha I love the liu sha baos~ The pumpkin sticky thing tasted like "nian gao", and the red bean thingy, i like the skin, so soft and kinda crispy.
Hello Kitty!
And I've got my second hello kitty figurine already! Okay, i know it's retarded to always try to find ways to get stuff from 7-11! But i swear I'm trying to be logical and suggest things that are necessary though out of the way to walk to 7-11 if we're already at a shop which has what we want. :X Because i wanted to get the stamp, i even bought lunch from 7-11. I thought i couldn't find food but i found green curry with rice, made it hot with microwave at home, and it was good for me. It's actually pretty good. The green curry and chicken was good, though a tad too little green curry, can be more for me. Ha ha. I think all frozen food by CP is pretty good. So far all those that I've bought and tried turns out to taste like food that can be made on the spot, doesn't really taste any different even though it's frozen food. :D  And i just got 6 more stamps today! So i can go get my third figurine later on~~~ YAY~!
Less than 30 days to go!!! Oh my god, sooooo stress!!!

On a side note, a lot of people are praying for Boston due to the bombings on social media. If you are really are sincere in praying or hoping for the best for Boston for their injured people, or for people who have unfortunately passed away because of such an evil act, then it's really sweet. Amongst all the praying for Boston, i saw this information, and i thought some other tragedy happened. It was a news article of how American military made a mistake and killed about 120 civilians because they thought they were the Al Qaeda targets they have been searching for, when in fact, they were just celebrating a wedding. And, I feel sad for them for losing their lives because of somebody else's mistake, and not only that, the kids in that house lost their whole family and are left alone. And, that's a really hard thing to accept and move on with life if it happened to me... But, at the end of the article, there were similar other news article shown all dated 2002, 2003. So, i checked the date of the article and it was dated 2002. No doubt it is indeed a piece of sad news and maybe not many people may know about it, but that was 10 years ago. The article does deserve some attention for what it's worth, but it doesn't seem like a right time. It gives me the impression that the person who showed this, whom also prayed for Boston, doesn't really seem all that sincere at all. I may be wrong but it seems like a small part of it is saying that the people don't really deserve all the praying or something since they've done some wrong things themselves. If you're sincere, why will you dig up a mistake that they've made and even agreeing to stuff like "things like these happen in Pakistan all the time". If you're not sincere, i don't even know why you say #prayforboston. Maybe you're just trying to imply that there are many tragedies happening elsewhere in the world every other day or every single day and many lives have been killed due to all the bombings and nobody made a big fuss about it, so we shouldn't make a big fuss about this tragedy as well, but hey, anywhere, praying for Boston too. -.- And maybe in 2023 you'll bring up this news article about Boston too when a bombing happens in country X and say "while all of you are praying for country X, (link to Boston's bombing) this happened too." I don't get it.

okay bye~

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