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♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Friday 19 April 2013 | 10:00 ©

Hi Peeps!! It's Friday again and god I'm freaking out cos I do not have lotsa pictures to post!!

Okay so my aunt just came back from China last Sunday. Yes China!! Bird flu I knowww, but she didn't go to ShangHai, she went to the mountainous areas and Er Mei Shan BAHAHAHA. I dont think I will ever want to visit China cos I might choke on armpit hair and BO. I'm sorry but I really cannot accept. So she bought me a blazer, a dress for work together with these cute socks!

Need to start wearing Dr. Martens again or else these cute socks will go to waste.!

Two random selfies I took while on the way to work and site respectively. 
Oh! The frightening early thunderstorm made me waited AN HOUR for my boss to reach my place. Wednesday's site meeting was scheduled at 0930hr and I only reached at 1030hr Thank god the Chairman was late as well due to the terribly traffic jam. If not I will be the limelight if I were to enter the Conference Room in admist of the meeting.  

Ted must be very frightened that morning. 'FUCK THE THUNDER!" BAHAHAHAHA

So recently I got so addicted to gym! I joined a gym membership start of April and have been going diligently daily after work. An hour of Cardio, and back home another hour of Core. I didn't want to do core in the gym as I don't want my exercise mat to collect dust at home.

Then oneday, this big brawny, bald-headed tattoo-ed man (FUCK YES HE LOOKS LIKE STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN) approached me and asked me my weight while I was cooling down from my cardio wrkout. So I was quite frightened and I said 'err 39Kg'. And there he went preaching about how underweight I am, and told me to stop cardio immediately as I will be left with bones.

A couple of days later I met him again on my way to gym and he asked if I'm gonna do cardio again. I DONT KNO THE RIGHT MOTION AND WEIGHTS I SHOULD DO WHAT! So he told me he will train me!!! OHMAGAWK I WAS WAITING FOR HIM TO OPEN HIS MOUTH ONLY PLEASEEEE!!! So now I have a Shi Fu! Hehehehe! So after we got to know each other better, I then realise that he is not a trainer by profession but he sees it as a hobby. He has 2 macho guys under his guidance so I have 2 seniors, Ben and Marcus. I have met them and Fu-yoh the body see already can orgasm and salivate. Wait till I get to meet them and workout together then I will ask for a group shot. Hehehe

So far I had 3 sessions with Roland. I see him daily at 7pm and hell training starts. He already started with my back training, yesterday was shoulders. Today we did abs cutting. (shaping my abs) Ben is  scarily scary, he carrys weights doing bench press like hulk. Roland, our 'Father' carry weights weighing 100kg. But he goes easy on me cos he says im still a newbie and a girl. Hehehe girls always have advantages!

I go home everyday feeling so drained. I feel even more tired now doing weights compared to cardio. I wake up everyday feeling sore like crap. He says it's good cos it means that my muscles are working. I love this new gym I'm engaged with, cos everyone there is friendly and we are like a big family. That's where I found my 'Father' and my 'Shi xiongs' too! Bahaha!

Told Roland I want abs like this, he said' I can assure you a better shape than this' YAY!! 
So I better buck up on my side or he will start screaming at me >.<

Till then buds buds! Ciaos~

Carmen | Pinkie | Fridays

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