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♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



Back to hometown part I !
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Tuesday 9 April 2013 | 17:23 ©

So as the title says.. 
BACK TO HOMETOWN! which is Taiping!!
Ok im not msian, my dad is haha
Havent been back for like 5years already!!?
Was soooo super looking forward to it.
But it was sucha shooooort trip, main purpose was to go back qing ming

28 March 2013
Left home ard 8ish as the coach was supposed to come at 9pm
While waiting..

Saw a few kittens. soooo cute tho i hate cats hahaha but kittens are cute!
The coach finally reachd at 10pm, but my mom and I was at the toilet.
So we gotta rush back to the coach cause everyone was waiting for us. tskkkz
Sleeping Chloe curled up like a ball looking so comfy hahaha
W mom and dad!
And off we gooooo~
Anw, the jam was terribleeeez at the custom omgggg
we reached JB at I think 12am?! Thats like 2hours
Watched RM cos I cant sleep, its too early. And omg kwb and js so qtie.hehhe
Awhile later was the rest stop for food. 
Always a must to eat cha ye dan.Idk why hahaha 
If not is cup corn or ramly burger, but burger stall not opened. so yeah..

 The yong tau hu stall is quite popular, many people q-ed for it
 Cha ye dan!!
Didnt really slept well during the ride..
And the journey took longer than usual omg..
So long that it was already morning.....but this is so pretty right!
love the colours! No edit!!
Still soundly asleep.. & My sis and me with cui face hahaha
I think I look really cui without sleeping.. the face just idk .. color like pale with dark circles or wdv hahaha
So we finally reached at 8ish!!! OMG can you imagine..
10hours of bus ride?!!? 
Usually we will reach at the most 5am or smth.
But this time round.. 

So yeah, one of my uncle was waiting for us with another cousin who happened to arrive a lil earlier us
 off we went to my 2nd uncle's house.
FYI, all of them stays at different part of Msia.
So our meeting point was at Taiping, my 2nd uncle's house.

His new house is sooo big and spacious!
Just right opp his old house hahaha
and they gave us the room with aircon, which is the master bedroom..how nice!
Anw, washed up right away, they went out for breakfast while waiting for my other relatives to reach.
And suay me was having stomach cramps and had to stay in :(
The only way to make it better is to lie down. lol
so yeah, thats me..... looking ugly HAHAHA
After that, it got a lil better.. but once I stood up, the pain gradually came back. SUAY
Anyhow, we left for  十八丁. Its like factory/houses along the sea. 
Where my grandpa's siblings stays ; my dad's uncles
I love how all the relatives travel together in different cars. hahaha its lika road trip!
But srsly the weather cannot make it. HOT DIEZ.
First stop was I think the 3rd or 2nd brother's place
They harvest cockles!! 
I think this is the machine they use to idk do what w the cockles. hehe
Everything felt really kampong-ish. And it was really cool.. cos when you walked to the back 
of the house/factory, its the water area alr! Idk to call this the sea or what, so i'll just say it as water area LOL 

Lingered for awhile and walked over to the 3rd/2nd brother's place.
The pic on the right which shows holes on the wall is actually a factory where birdnest is collected
The birds will just fly into the hole and yeah.. Cannot imagine how it is like inside man.
Kept telling my sis that it felt like a excursion/ heritage tour hahaha
and finally we reached the house! So yeap, the back of the house is facing the sea again. v coollll 

saw lots of mudskippers as it was low tide. The trails they left are kinda cute and the way they move
hahahaa the kids were totally amazed by it , actually me too hahaha

with some of my cousins! sadly not everyone came.

Dad with his uncles and siblings hahaa
So we just sat around and chitchat, took pics and all. And they decided to have a boat ride.
so we walked back to the cockles factory..
Look at the amt of cockles shells instead of the usual rocks and sand LOL
Finally reached and..
can you imagine climbing down this super narrow steps to get on the boat?!?
Was contemplating to get on or not, it was just so scary!! 
but rare opportunity lor! 
see hw low it is?! 
Kids are so fortunate,they can just be carried down!! 

Looking in fear..
And so I was the last to go down, with 3 people holding on to me HAHAHAH
my cousin told me her leg was trembling just by watching me get down LOL
Look at all the excited kids hahaha 
Mom said we look like illegal immigrants LOl
and off we go! weather was still fine then!

Anw, mayb you cant tell from the picture, but it was so glaring we cant open our eyes properly 
hahahah I look so ugly but wdvvv
Look at chloe, cant even open her eyes HAHAH so cute
we look so sweaty hahaha and my face was so red!
Look at my cutie cousin hahaha cant open his eyes also.
But still pose for me when he saw me taking his picture hahaha 
Look at the white part on the shore, its not sand its shells!! Amazing much?!
The uncle varied the speed of the boat and when it was fast,the kids was so excited and kept screaming
Look at the splash!! it was kinda scary.

and then it was getting scorching hot!! 
luckily I had my shades with me..
Finally went back and climbing back up on the narrow steps was scary as hell too LOL
Next was lunch time at some nearby seafood place!Look at the kids hahaha
The aunty just fetched all the kids there with this, damn funny.
Like kids on sale LOL

While waiting for the food

This toufu is damn yummy!!!
Tomyum soup with fresh prawns!! V nice but v spicyyy 

There was another curry squid, but I was already peeling the prawns so didnt managed to take any pic
Didnt really eat a lot either, stomach wasnt feeling well! :(((((( WASTED
After lunch went to another coffeeshop and went back home aft that! Around 4ish?
Finally can lie down and rest ! LOL
Slept for like 2hrs and woke up at 730 feeling much better.
And saw my cousin baking, idk what its called
Soon was dinner time! Dad went to dabao,
Char kway teow and satay!
Their satay was kinda different compared to singapore's 
And, this is how the house looks like!
Upon entrance..
The v big living room 
The corridoor, rooms by the side 
The dry and wet kitchen 
There was quite a big garden outside which I didnt managed to take a pic of hahaha
Aft that went to chill at the swing outside!
i love it!! Alw sit on it whenever I go back to Msia.
Went back to the room around 10ish with cousins all in the room chatting
Quality time!! :)
And was then told we are leaving tomorrow night!
Mom and me got it wrong :((((
was told to sleep early as we gotta wake up early the next day.
But I only managed to fall aslp at I think 1ish2am ? 
So tired! 
Ok, as for the next day, check back next week!

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