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Welcome to our blog!.

♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



Happy thursday!
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Thursday 21 February 2013 | 12:00 ©


It's been a fun week for me!
On Valentine's day... There was no subway! YAY! BUT....It was pouring so heavily when we were about to head out so we had to wait for the rain to stop. :( Hence, we had 'Lunner' at Wild Honey, and i had European again. I really like the combination of the yolk oozing out from the eggs Benny in to the toast, salted bacon and the slightly stronger mushroom taste all in my mouth. But, i couldn't finish not because i can't or that it wasn't good! But.. it was too much after awhile. If i ate one more of those mushrooms, i think i might puke! Ha ha! And my mushy mellow in my chocolate~ :D Got to go get some marshmallows to add them in my hot Milo next time.

It was only the fifth day of Lunar new year so the decorations were all up around town. Full of ingots in this picture. Hope this year will be full of ingots for me too! hahaha I won $10! I can buy myself about 3 packets of chicken rice now Ha ha! If i choose Starbucks i can only buy a cup. :( I need to win more! HUAT me!
And i thought my lucky colour was green, because the fengshui master said so but i ended up losing when i wore green. I had better luck with red so...i guess i have to get more red clothes for this year!

And as I'm typing this entry out, it's starting to pour :( I declare it boots day!

Hehehe my card and present :) And the polaroids we took. I think this is the first time we took so many shots with the Polaroid cam in a day. I think my main purpose was to use up the plain films so i could try out the Stitch films i bought a few days ago. They look so pretty! I'm glad i bought them. I really wanted to get the Hello kitty films because i ran out of them already but i thought i should by something different. I wanted the Minnie mouse but they were sold out so i got Stitch instead. They're so pretty!! And shiny! And colourful! :D And... i used up all my stitch's films already... Boohoo~
Had dinner at Ma Maison Tonkatsu. And we had to queue for an hour. Guess that was expected since it was Valentine's day and we were expecting town to be pretty crowded especially dinner time when all the kids end school and head out with their dates. They were quite slow in clearing the tables. I saw about 4 empty tables that were waiting to be cleared but they were busy bringing the food out. Guess they need more manpower. The Katsu don i had was alright. I felt that Tampopo's katsu don was better, with more eggy sauce. Though the pork loin itself was not bad.

The jumbo pork loin that came with rice was 'refillable' SO, good for hungry people! Ha ha. I can ask for more salad as well, but I'm not really a fan of vegetables, (especially fresh and raw vegetables) except broccoli, dou miaow; not sure what they're called in English, Kang Kong; i think they're called morning glory which i happened to learn when i was in Bangkok, long beans and maybe cauliflower.
 Had the Combined Arts Concert Appreciation dinner for all the participants and there was a buffet reception for all of us. Yay~ Ate more than the rest i think because somebody helped me to put food on my plate and put alot hahaha i looked like a greedy pig to everyone! Someone even told me, "You eat alot ah!" Oh my god. And i can't put the food back because it's not hygienic. Ha ha Never mind! I was hungry anyway! :D With my brunch girls! You can always count on them to bring you to nice places with nice food and ambiance! Sighs i look so short even with my painful and high heels on! D: We all agreed to dress up as a club for the reception! Hehehe :X

And here's a picture of the happening D.A. peeps I've been dancing with, together with the cast of the show and the director, and some of the backstage crew. And after that, everyone took more photographs ha ha. Massive cam whore session with loads of people in it. D.A. people sure loves the camera a lot. And we seem to always have a camera around and are camera ready. Ha ha!

And.. here are the Shirley-ians! Our choreographer came down to check on our item and we had a surprise "Lou Hei" session with her~ We took it seriously and googled about what we were suppose to say for each ingredient that was added in! Mostly about growing more money. Ha ha~ We all shouted for well wishes like... 10 pirouettes! 5 split jumps! Get good critiques for the vetting! And some other amazing moves which was not very humanly possible for us at that moment. Hahaha~
So, on my mom's Chinese birthday, which was also 'Ren' day, birthday of all humans, we went for dinner together with my relatives. I love Yu Sheng! BUT, only if its sweet enough! Since most of it is made up of vegetables, i didn't really like it when i was younger. All i ate was the biscuits so i will only pick out the biscuits and eat them and skip all the vegetables. And Yu Sheng is so little i don't understand how anyone can eat it and say that they're full. Either that, or i have a big stomach to stuff more food. Hahaha :X

And... Lou Hei begins! Every single year i will only say one phrase and it's the same one which i will keep repeating while we 'lou' the YuSheng.. It's kuai gao zhang da (hurry grow taller)! LOL That's the thing i really really really wish it will happen to me! I'm far too short :( There are so many discrimination against short people, and especially since i dance, it's always better to be tall. :( Or maybe it's the idea i get since that's what everyone around me always say and tell me. Tall is better. "You see, those models so tall, so pretty, so nice!" :( And another example will be job discrimination, air stewardess have to be tall enough to close the container thingy on board the flight. Boohoo~

The scary pig that was placed on the table. I'm not really a fan of pork. Unless it doesn't have the pork taste or smell, and doesn't have fats. I don't really like food with a  chewy texture. Okay, i guess I'm quite a picky eater. When i was younger, i used to like eating pigs' liver, but i had no idea i was eating pigs' liver. Until i was older and when i knew, i just didn't really like eating kway chup because it comes with the pigs' organs, and it sounds kind of disgusting. Usually i just eat the bean curd and bean curd skin. But... nowadays i tend to eat a bit here and there, maybe because I'm lazy to pick my food or else I'm going to be hungry. :X And pigs' livers are suppose to be good if you are low in blood or something, in Chinese it's called bu xue. Pigs' skin was said to be high in collagen so i eat abit of those as well. Not too sure about the other organs. :/

This was my favourite dish! Broccoli and prawns! I think the prawns had mayonnaise or some kind of sauce on it. I love prawns. Mom used to always cook prawns when she cooks dinner. And i can eat alot of them. Plus, another reason is because they are shelled hahaha :D

And my Chinese new year celebration continues~

 Lynn had us over at her place for a steamboat session~ I love steamboat too! So many things i love about new year ha ha I can eat and eat and eat and eat and eat~ Lynn really prepared alot of meat for us to shabu shabu and she even prepared the egg and sauce for us to dip the meat. It was like a mini party with the 6CB and the tribe. We have such an ugly and vulgar group name hahaha i have no idea how we always come up with such names but it really does not mean what it looks like! It was full attendance with the HVtribe people! YAY! Which.. i just happen to realise as I'm typing this out and looking at the picture. :D We played bridge for a few hours, and the more i played, the more confuse i was! LOL It really took me a long time to figure out who was my partner, and at that time, i was quite sleepy that it got me more confused than ever LOL Everyone was hoping they were not going to be called to be my partner when i was the one bidding hahaha :X Oops!

And... i finally got to catch up with Sleeve! That's my nickname for her and I'm going to stick to it. :X I refuse to change even after much complaints coming from her. I think it's easy to call and easy to remember, and it's so special! Nobody will have such a name, at least nobody that i know of has such a name yet. Hahahahahahaha :X Okays i was late again. I always try to but somehow i always end up being late. Sighs. I've already put that as my new year resolution but i guess it failed. :< We had our picnic style for dinner in the theatres because... i was late and we didn't have enough time to eat before the movie, and after the movie, there won't be any food for us. :< Oops. :X We even managed to open the soy sauce and wasabi and put it on the plastic while in the dark. Hahaha :P We thought it was really mean because the smell would have been very strong to others (but we didn't have a choice :< ) and we will probably be the only people eating inside... but to our horror, a couple beside us were eating their burgers and fries. LOL It won't happen again! We'll try to eat our food outside the theatres next time. :X
At the end of the day, i lost a dollar to Sleeve for playing some card game. Nooooo... It's okay. I believe in the phrase, money go, money comes. Hahaha. Though it's a really simple game, it kept making me squeal. :X I was too egg-cited already, can't help myself! We were so afraid that the security guard will come over and scold us or something, so we came up with a back up plan! If he were to walked over, one of us will suddenly shout, "HEART ATTACK!" as though we're playing that harmless game. Hahaha. But this game is pretty harmless too. :D

Yay~ Handing over ceremony during training and there was a mini buffet catered for all of us! Rice! I love rice! Some cabbage, chicken, delicious fish and prawns, honeydew in coconut something and we "lou" Yusheng again! And our instructor climbed on to the table! Oh my goodness, madness! The Yusheng flew everywhere, and were on my hands and hair. Hahaha! I had to get out of there before i can finish "lou-ing" but i had to say "kuai gao zhang da" first! Will never miss an opportunity to wish for myself to grow taller!!! :P
Besides the handing over, we also got the list of shortlisted people for the TRDO item that is coming up. And I'm quite sad that i won't get the opportunity to do this item since I'm in the bottom of preferred candidates for this item even though it's not 100% confirmed. To add on to that, i have such a busy schedule that i don't think it fits the choreographer's schedule. :( Boohoo~ Time to work on my techniques, strength and performance quality. Funny as it sounds, I get scared whenever i have to dance in front of everyone, especially when they are sitting or standing close where i can see them. It takes me awhile to get comfortable to the situation and dance comfortably, but i know it's not possible for that to happen. I hope i can get that bad habit of mine gone for good. I don't want to be a wall, nobody wants to, after all the effort and time and perspiration you've put in during trainings and rehearsals all for that few minutes to shine. It's a cruel dance world. I hope dance will choose me too.
Just being random, when i said i didn't buy any heels this CNY, i ended up buying a pair during a sale online last week. And now my heart is aching because i see my wallet sobbing. D: But, I'm SO excited and can't wait for it to arrive! I'm going to wear it for more than a 100 days which will mean that i paid around a dollar for it for a day! Sounds cheap and affordable, right? :X

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