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♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



Just a second we're not broken just bent
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Monday 11 February 2013 | 14:01 ©

hihi! sorry i'm seriously late for my post man! 


wanted to blog like yesterday but got called up for a last min visiting and there goes my day! but whatever it is, i'm gonna start with my post now! hehe being random as usual, i will just go about blogging on what i have been doing ya! 

So last Monday i went for a last min shopping for my CNY clothes! no time alrdy yknow! so hectic my energy level just decreased day by day..(you will know what i'm talking about later) 

yahhh, i went down to bugis after work and met my boyf later aft he knocked off. Luckily the journey was only like 20 mins from my workplace? and yknow what, i have been searching for a white shorts and finally saw one i like and it's on sales too like only 8 bucks? freaking cheap right? and i paid for it without checking it that day. Usually i will just casually check it, like look into the bag whether is it e right stuff or what but just that day i didn't do so and so freaking lucky i got a surprise when i got home. haha. I was so excited to try out and when i took it out i was like "huh??!! what is this man?!!" The sales girl actually gave me a white BLOUSE instead of my shorts. Ohwell~

I tell you i can cry man, means i need to make another unnecessary trip down JUST to exchange my stuff and luckily the sales girl remembered me and thr goes my Tues~

Tues with Sissie (too bad she isn't morrie, lame~)

 cam-whoring pic 1 

cam-whoring pic 2 

This was me on last weds! haha looking damn tired (see, i told you my energy level seriously damn low like what my friends alws said too lol) cos my lenses kept giving me loads of prob that day! Luckily i have bought the lens solution and managed to take it off for a while till i knocked off. And yay! it's mid week alrd! Initial plan was to meet Carmen aft work to get some stuff and head back after cos im way too tired but axw and hyemin were at town as well! (the fingers hardly have time to meet this week :/) so might as well dinner together too with YJH. 

Oh! and i got my first ever red packet from my boss. ^^

Cabbed to work on Thurs cos i freaking overslept. Can you see that my eyes were getting smaller and smaller, no time to blow dry my hair and was wearing damn casual to work that day. 

Finally it was Fri! TGIF!! MEANS MY HOLIDAYS ARE HERE. HEHE. My sister and I have alrd planned to go down to Chinatown to get some stuff and that was the last day before they all closed for chu xi ye! This year we went down a bit too late and the crowd was terrible! and looked, who was there with me that day! hehe. missed this cutie pie so i apps her mom whether or not can i bring her out and tadah! we went down together. THE RAIN, THE CROWDS EVERYWHERE, THE ENDLESS STUFFING OF MOCHI~ haha fun!

Yayyy, CHU XI YE lo! Did some last min spring cleaning and also helped to set up the table for the goodies! CAN'T stop laughing at what my younger sis asked. 

isn't she asking the obvious? seriously *face palm*

how's your reunion dinner? good? this year it was simple for us; just a few dishes and everyone sat down to eat together. That's enough for me. :')

and then one last pic for the day with the boyf before he left! (i think he looked like he's constipated in that pic hehehe)

and then it was CHU YI ALRD!! woke up not that early, about nine plus ten? I can't rmb and start to get ready!! That's was me in my love bonito cheongsam top! I like it very much! hehe

Tons and tons of my selfie.. please bear with it and this was like already filtered? i think the rest will go to my personal blog instead. So damn pai seh to post all up here. hahaha.

me again! all ready to head out for visiting!

ohoh! i went to bought falsies, both bottom and top just for this Lunar New Year! I don't think i would even have the energy or patience to stick em on everyday. So, just for this time of the year i wanna be super vain! hehe. Both the top and bottom lashes were fine especially the bottom ones, so comfortable like i'm wearing nothing. No wonder they always say, you get what you pay for. 

can't really see from the front view that i'm wearing em cos too natural and not that dramatic hehe and that's from the side!

aiya whatever but it's good. hehe.

with my younger sis!

the clones!

younger clone again!

cam-whoring at my gugu's place!

and then headed back to my place after a few hours of visiting? damn fast this year! but was already tired. you see, don't understand why am i so tired easily. lol. like my body is already 60 plus. haha

CHU ER! last min got called to go over to another gugu's place for visiting but it was damn impromptu cos the plan was to have steamboat for dinner over at my place and so i thought i could do some last min packing (for my short trip) as well as to blog buttttt MISSION IMPOSSIBLE with the relatives around haha. So me, with my sucky hair. 

cam-whoring in the bus~

finally reached! nothing better to do so....lol

again my selfies! okay la, i think that's quite a long post to sum up what i have been doing and sorry fingers! i was late this time. So, seeyou all next monday with post filled with my selfie (AGAIN) and food! cos i'm going KL and Ipoh tonight! I can't wait! gotta pack my stuff alrdy! yayyyy till then~ 

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