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♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



Cameron Highlands + Genting 14-18 June! Part I
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Tuesday 25 June 2013 | 18:32 ©

So did y'all witness the hailstone just now?!
Sadly I didnt get to see any ice hahah
But why does it seems like the haze is getting bad instead. 

Alrighty, sry for missing out last week's post!
Was away to Msia and I got back to SGP only at Tues night! 
No time to post!
So, as the title stated, I went to CH and Genting over the weekends 
With maternal's side relatives! 

+ a lil sidenote, bf had his first meet the parents session on Sunday 
LOL sudden attack for him, 
surprise delivery for me turns out to be his first meeting session w the folks.


Woke up pretty early and went to get mac breakfast!
Been craving for it and Im nv in time for it everytime I wake up
So.. This is the perfect chance!
Reached AMK ard 730 and waited for the rest of the ahyis.
Oh and side track abit, I fell down just 1 day before my trip!
Down the stairs! Smart or what! Bruised both of my knee
So my mom no mercy, just spammed the yellow lotion on my wound at AMK
K, so we booked a bus for our trip.
And I was expecting the kind of big coach we alw take to Msia.
But hell was I wrong, it was a mini van which can take 18pax? I guess
it was so cramp, everyone was like talkg abt it LOL.
There were like 15 of us and the aircon...
off we went ~ Hate the custom part where we hafta take our luggage w us 
Car is the best! had our stopover for food!
Vegetarian beehoon + yogurt! The yogurt was awesome
Anw, before the trip Im alr mentally prepared to gain weight,
cos I know it will be eat eat eat trip and most of the meals are vegetarian
so... flour flour flour.. sighhh. 
Along the way, the car had some problem with the tyres, and we gotta visit the workshop
I'm not really a fan of cat , but this kitty quite qt
Took about 30min for the problem to be settled I think, cant rmb.
Fried banana and some yummy stuff + prawn cracker which is bigger than my face from the road stall!
and the journey continues... I think I was fanning myself for like 1hr , it was sooo stuffy!
Luckily halfway thru, the aircon got colder.. 
Halfway thru going up CH, we stopped by a waterfall to take some pics
And my mom asked me to wash my wounds thr. 
But yea, I did la. The water was so cold!! So it didnt hurt as bad, but I was more worried if its clean haha
But since its water from the top, so shld be ok I guess? Didnt managed to get a btr shot of the waterfall sighhh
Mandatory touristy shot hahaha
W my cuzz

Stayed for awhl and cont w our journey cus it was alr getting late..
So many twist and turns made me wna puke manz!
&then we finally reached ard 8pm. From sgp to thr 8am - 8pm ... 
Thats right, we stayed at a temple! Cool or what hahaha
Actly theres a purpose of us staying there and for this trip la,
but idk how to explain la huh. 
W my cuzz whos 6years younger than me. GODDDD IM OLD
ANW IT WAS SO COLD!! I LOVE IT!!! and luckily I brght my jacket along!
Actly I brgt it along for the bus, but turns out the bus is so hot hahaha
All of us stayed in a dbl storey room, which is lika chalet 
Pics of it will be shown in other post hee. Settled down and dinner time!
So old school lookg right! so drama
Vegetarian meal

The curry damn yummy man. 
Went out to the night market after that, so crowded!
And it felt like it was winter cus some of them are wearg earmuffs hahaha
Damn exaggerating lor 
Yummy sweet potato balls and fried jin zhen gu! Love it!
And the corn is the best la!!!
I only had a mouth of it D:
There were lotsa stalls selling it man. All kinds of corn hahaha
Snap snap along the way , damn touristy hahah

Went back around 10pm.
Camwhore before bed
Had quite a hard time falling asleep, lol and got woken up pretty early
Cause the aunties were talkg too loudly and Im a v light sleeper.. Sigh..
Went to walk abt with mom for a bit to enjoy the fresh cold morning air 
And then breakfast time! I was the only kid who woke up so early to eat w them lor LOL
Anw,pretty view to have our breakfast!
The chee cheong fan damn nice!
The aunties chilling after doing the laundry hahaa
After doing some ritual stuffs for G, we went out to tour CH
LOTS of strawbies merchandise around man! Land of strawbies + corn hahaa

Stopped by a roadside stall selling fruits, cause they wanted to buy Hai Di Ye (sea coconut?)
The black thing is the sea coconut
Anw, it doesnt really taste as good as the ones we usually eat, the brown one.
This original one is like tasteless LOL
The jackfruit is like much btr
W cuzz and DaYi!
And its corn again! LOL I think we ate corn every day man

Another strawbie landmark insight. lol
Ok this post is too lengthy and I think ure getting bored, 
so I shall cont it in the nxt post! 
Where we went and all! So catch me nx week! 

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