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Welcome to our blog!.

♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Sunday 16 June 2013 | 23:32 ©

okay such a weird weather? It decides to pour after being so humid and hot for the past two days!! 

and so it's ma turn to blog! seriously i'm so worn out this week with just six hours of slp or less everyday. :/ and also received a piece of news yesterday, not knowing to be sad or what but I have gotten over it. *PUMP UP GENE!! YOU CAN DO IT!!* I'm so so so so so looking forward to my next break. 

okay that aside~ So, met up with Mommy, sis and bro last Tues for dinner at Soup Restaurant!! Super love their Samsui Chicken after muay brought me there for the first time. I can haz it forever together with the 'garlic' sauce and if you have tried before you would know what i'm talking! 

and some pictorials with the family! 

and with my clone! 

had a great chat over dinner and lovin family time a lot! :D too bad muay couldn't join us due to work but IT'S OKAY LA DOESN'T MATTER. hehehe lol and boyf came to meet us after that too! surprisingly he could really click with Momsy really well. lol 

GOT BUTTERED together with the girls on Wed! been really really long since i last clubbed man (i reside in a cave) and a pity our Princess Pocahontas couldn't make it due to work the next day! 

went over to xw's place to NAP a while before meeting the rest lol cos i'm simply way too tired!!!!!! :O (gotta wait for xw to post our pics!! it's deformed when i tried to post urghh)

soooo, pictures with deformed fingers~

this candy pie hasn't seen me for 1000 years and she got so excited that night that she literally hugged me in all the pictures taken *shy me is shy lol* hahahah and by the time this post is up, she's on the plane to Aussie alrd!! shiok girl, play hard n come back safe!!

i looked like i'm gonna slp anytime cos Iphone's flash is too much!! posted cos I told cand i looked damn 'shu nu' demure hor HAHA

hehehe look at us trying hard to maintain lol

and so candy pie commented axw stomach pain hahahaha

and really had so much fun that night with the co. as I haven't really enjoyed clubbing since forever! { okay next one my bd ok! hahahhahaha } 

went to 126 for supper after! i think early brekkie lol

Fri was well-spent with my dear colleagues! celebrated Viki's belated birthday at Swensens! Surprisingly, everytime we meet up, we still can have so much to talk about even after work! hehe too bad one of my colleagues couldn't make it and so, Mama Charisse treated us for dinner! So lucky to have her at work! :>

decorated by Mama Charisse hahaha
and caught Man of Steel after! not very awesome but still good!

came sat and sunday which have been spent doing work and stressing out over stuff :( gonna catch an early slp tonight! So, i'm done for the week! 

and Oh! i'm leaving my S.E.A Aquarium post for next week! Catch me maybe? hehe 


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