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♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



Rants. D;
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Thursday 28 March 2013 | 15:03 ©

All I'm doing every single day is...
Studying, studying, and more studying... And i have about less than 50 days till my first paper. D; I'm going to have panic attack soon. I'm not even anywhere close to being confident for my papers at all. I think i really suck at organising my life. I can never say no to anything fun after a whole day of studying and being boring, and right after that, i feel so broke. :<
I feel so trapped right now. Argh! D; Need some fresh air, need more time, need to shop, need to sit for a bit and just look out at the blue skies, go for a swim, go for a jog, go for some classes... Everything but studying. But, i know i can't. I can only sit down and look at my notes and books. Sighs. Every year at this time... I love school, but this is the toughest part, to have some discipline, i must! I sound so incoherent right now. Anyways, thank god dance is taking an early break and stops next week! I'm glad to have more time to study, yet a little sad that I'll be growing so fat from next week onwards from not moving at all. I'm so distracted that I've even thought of my exercise routine to do after my exams are over. :D Hahaha...

And Thai food for the weekend!
Because I've been craving it since a week ago :D I super love the basil meat. The sweet potato leaves were pretty good, i think it was all because of the sauce. The green curry was good too! I like my food sweet. :) And to top it all off with mango salad~ Yay~ I remember that was my first meal for that day. Totally starving! Glad it filled my tummy. :D

Fried rice! My all time favourite food too. I seem to be having one too many favourite food. Making my day a little better. :D Intended to head out to study but the rain made me sleep my day away. :( What a wasted day it was. I was all dressed up and ready to go, but it just had to pour at that moment. And the pavement near my place makes it really inaccessible since it will usually flood when it rains heavily.So... I could only wait at home, and i fell into a 100 years long sleep... 

Had a hearty meal after one mundane day. A treat from a friend whose parents had a stall selling all the different kinds of meat. Ate chicken meat, duck meat, char siew and shao rou, which i have no idea what it's called in English, but basically pork. Haha. Although I'm not someone who like fats, the char siew was really good! It had the roasted smell, with fats that seemed like meat, so i was fooled. Hahaha And the duck didn't have the ducky smell! Yay~ They should expand the amount of stalls they have, the food is good! ^o^

And back here after awhile...

This used to be my old dance studio for quite a number of years. As you can see, it looks really shabby. But, I'll treasure whatever place i have as long as I have a place to dance. I'd rather dance here than not dancing at all. I've quite gotten used to travelling some distance to dance already. I used to get very tired from travelling to this place because it will take me about 45 minutes, when the other studio, under the same teacher, used to take me 10 minutes to reach. But this place has so many memories. From when i first started doing my pointe, and all the effort I've put in were in this studio. I'll miss the old chalkboard, where teacher will write down the name of the exercises, to the old air cons that will drip water or spoil once in a while, the fan that had to be turned on because everyone was perspiring like mad like we all just went for a dip in the sea, the parquet floorboards that will creak when i jump and split if i jump too hard, which explains all the black masking tape, the smoothness of the floor and the number of times everyone has or almost slipped and fell, the tiny changing room that we all shared which can't be seen now, and the portable barres which we have to carry into the studio before or after lesson even when we are very tired, and the barres that we used that moved whenever someone uses too much strength and pulls it on one side, the blackouts that will happen once in a while during lessons and we had to use our phones as torchlight, cockroaches and lizards and other insects that will come out from nowhere... I miss everything there. All the restraints that we faced, but loving dance so much that I'd rather live with all these.

 Happy good Friday to me! Nay... It's not even a holiday since i have to continue studying. ;/
And yes, back to studying.

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