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♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



One hell of a weekend.
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Thursday 7 March 2013 | 15:43 ©


Black Box Boot Camp Exposed

This production, i will definitely remember for as long as i can. I guess i can say that i was really exposed in so many ways possible and this production has helped me to learn and grow quite a bit. The troubles that we faced and how we got through them all in a day was... definitely an experience that i will remember, boot camp indeed... This post is going to be a wordy one.

A preview of the items during the bump in; one day before the actual performance during last weekend. I have photos of the other items except my own item. Ha ha :< Booo... The bump in went alright though we only did one full run of the whole production. We wanted to stay back to run the item again just to make sure that our counts were alright and our spacing were good, but the lights went off at 10pm sharp and we only managed to go through the item halfway. I remembered jumping and the lights went off as i was about to land, man was that scary! You should totally try it some day! LOL Anyways, we decided to leave since everyone had to report at 830am on performance day! That is soooooo freaking early and i already have issues with waking up and being punctual! And i had to wake up even earlier to sync my iphone at 6am! Otherwise i will have so many problems since i just got a new phone and it doesn't have any apps on it and i need my apps! I couldn't sync it the night before since instructions was that i had to charge my phone for 8 hours for the first time to maximise the battery life. Hence, i ended up being late because of my phone.
Nonetheless, i love my phone! It's so full of Hello kitty! Isn't it cute?! Hahaha...

The first problem that we faced was the space constraint. The space is soooo much smaller than we had expected and was definitely not working in our favour. For the technical run, we were a total flop and it felt like all our hard work went down the drain.

To make the item look less crowded and also to help us to do our movements properly without worrying that we'll hit each other, Choreographer had to make a tough call, and took some people out from some parts... And, nobody wants that, not after all the hard work, sweat, bruises, effort that they've put in to perfecting their own parts during each rehearsal just for that few seconds or minutes to not be able to display it at all, nobody wants that. If i were to be the one to be taken out, i would have felt very very demoralised and upset. I can understand where the person is coming from when she got upset and said some words that shouldn't have been said, since we're dancing in parts, it makes sense to feel kind of invisible when you have one less part to do in the 5 minutes or so dance.

As a choreographer, nobody will want to present a piece of work knowing that it is way below standards because of compassion or that they feel guilty for sacrificing some people's hard work... So i guess the right thing to do was to make it look better and sacrifice some people.  The seniors were trying to come up with ways to put people back in to the dance and i really admire LH and JK for giving up their part so that the choreographer could put others back in.  They were able to give up their parts yet i was hoping that it wasn't me that was taken out. I felt bad for others yet i feel guilty for wishing that I'm not the one. To sacrifice themselves even though knowing how it feels, it is really respectable. That, I'm still trying to learn... to put others before myself. :<

We did a first full run after all the changes have been made, and it was quite worrying for me since i had to change some of my parts too. I wanted to make sure i had all the steps and counts right before the show.

The second problem was that our costumes looked too commercial and don't work well with the lighting. Everyone readily agreed to change our costume even though choreographer said that it's okay, since we didn't have enough time. We decided to take whatever clothes that we have and borrowed whatever we don't, from whoever we saw, or, swap around with those that don't have that, so that we have the colour needed. This is definitely a first for me, to change costume just about 6 hours before showtime. It's that intense.

So, just when we thought everything was finally settled, and we can finally put our minds at ease for the performance in a few hours' time, an accident happened.

The last problem was realising that 2 of our dancers got into an accident while practising. I remember running out from the room to check on them, and i saw LeiHoi clutcing her head and the choreographer said that she was in so much pain she couldn't even lift up her head, while Mirabel was holding on to her chin and her other hand was full of blood. Everyone was shouting to get tissue, or the ice pack, and moving around everywhere. I didn't know what to do or how i can help. I heard that they needed to go to the hospital, and that one of them might need stitches. They were eventually taken to the hospital. We had to wait for the results of their injuries and at the same time, make changes to the dance to replace them.

It was just too... shocking and scary. I felt quite lost seeing them so in pain and just trying so hard not to cry since they are so strong in my eyes. I've never heard them complain about how tired they are, or that anything is too difficult or impossible to do. All i see is that they never stop trying. And to see them fall, it's just so so so so so scary. I really tried very hard not to cry, but it was just too much to take in after all those ups and downs that we've encountered the whole day...
During dinner time, LH and M returned from the hospital. M had 6 stitches while LH had a small split on her scalp and had her head bandaged. They had already asked for permission from the doctor, and were given the green light to go ahead with the performance. With the injury they sustained, they insisted on doing the item that night. If it was me, i would have chickened out after feeling a bit of pain.
M didn't dance after much persuasion since her stitches were still quite raw and might cause the wound to open, if she did, while LH decided to dance that night. I could tell she was still in shock herself, yet she could so bravely said that she's fine, forget about the pain and danced the item to the best she could. Felt really worried for her since there were alot of jumping and she might hit her head by accident again during the performance and that will be really bad. But she insisted it was going to be fine. During the performance, I saw  that she stood still for awhile and i thought she was going to faint! :O Thank god no! She said that the pain was just a little stronger in that instant. :O Amazing tolerance level.

M and LH both dance the next day for the next show. Can you imagine someone dancing on the second day of getting 6 stitches, or, someone dancing consecutively for two days with an injury on her head? And each time she jumped and moved she could feel the pain hitting her more than before yet she continues? i cannot. Injured people should be resting but no, both of them are dancing full out. I admire their mental strength, determination, tolerance and most of all, their love for dance. To put others in front of them, because they don't want to let us down knowing that we've all put in so much effort for this and they want to do their part, I'm so proud of the both of them. Besides the both of them, the other seniors were amazing as well. Even though i could tell that they themselves were shaken too, yet they initiated to lead us, comforted everyone to stay focus and cheered us on...
Their minds really amaze me, to be able to pull themselves together no matter what. They were like, ready for any shit coming their way, ready to battle anything. Their positivity, determination and endurance. All these, i will try to keep in my head... :) I am really lucky to have met these people. They have shown me their passion for dance, and made me doubt mine. Compared to theirs, mine is nothing for they are willing to do so much more for dance than i am. I am glad that I've met them, really, to make me feel that surge of passion to do so much more again, and that anything is possible as long as i keep trying and learning... :'D
I remembered Jessica, resident choreographer helping us to check on our item while our choreographer was at the hospital with the 2 injured dancers. I remembered Ryan giving us a talk just before the performance. He said that we have really been exposed. If everything were to have went smoothly, we wouldn't have remembered this experience, nor will we learn anything out of it. Only the strong dancers are able to face so many problems yet overcome them and be an even greater dancer after all those shit. To not be demoralised by the obstacles that we face, but come back stronger than before. What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger, isn't it? :D

And these are the wonderful people that i have learnt so much from... and the sweet and caring choreographer... with the paper sushi that we've made for her that morning :D

Our founder of DA came to show support and gave us a superrr big sunflower on the first night! This sunflower is more pretty than other sunflowers! :X Not sure if it's still called a sunflower, but it doesn't have the black centre. He he he! Always happy to receive pretty flowers :D YAY~
And on the second night, the brunch girls came to show support! One of them said that she was shouting my name. I remembered telling her beforehand not to, cause i was afraid that i might get distracted and want to burst out laughing or miss my counts. But she ended shouting anyway, but i couldn't hear anything at all. LOL And another flower for me~! YAY~ :D And the bouquet of flowers are sooooo pretty, given by the DA people! But i don't have the photo that we took with me :( Really happy that they came to watch... Felt like i had people supporting me Hahaha and it makes me want to dance it better and not make any mistakes. Hmmm, not that i will if nobody came to watch me Haha... :X

Me and twinny being really happy! So glad to have joined her and we get to dance together in this item. This girl that's always dancing without a care or caution! She is super dangerous and prone to injuries, i swear! Forever working so hard and jumping around, i thought her bones might crack or something! And there was once she was practising this movement that is suppose to be fast and sudden, i think she strained her back! That's how careless and hardworking she is! But, she's like a big sissy to me. Forever taking care of me and reminding me stuff! Hahaha~ Most of all, like a mom, giving me a ride to wherever after trainings or picking me up when she drives since the school is super inconvenient! I feel like I'm travelling to another country when I'm only in this little red dot. :D So glad to have someone dancing and going through this with me together :D

And everything feels quite surreal now. I miss these guys that I've been rehearsing with every week and it really makes me want to do the next performance with them. But... i have exams coming up and it's soooo difficult to not want to be in it because i know that i should be spending more time on my studies now than on dancing. And that sucks. :(

All the things I'm taking away from this production, literally. Haha. And some other tidbits given to me but I've eaten them already. :X Really feel so touched to have a card made personally for me. :D Second one that i have. :) It's the first time dancing together with these people after joining them for about a month and training with them for about 3 months, and to have them tell you that you're treasured by them, feels so special. And this is not done by the club, so it makes it even more special. It makes me feel like my effort are recognised. :)
And Swee Choon for supper after a long and tiring day! Yay~ I felt pretty hungry and ate more than 1 bao that night. Usually, i only eat one and other food, of course. Just that i get tired of it after one, even though I've been craving for it the whole time. Ha ha... My senses and cravings are weird like that. :/ I really like the Har Kow. I always order that no matter what. I don't understand why they only give 2. Most places have 3 or 4 at a go. ;( Actually, i was craving for fried rice that night too, but i was afraid it was too much to clear up. Boooo, till next time, fried rice I'll come for ya!

Dinner peeps last night. We had Crystal Jade's Xiao Long Buffet and i ate 10 xiao long baos. I was tired of eating them at the end not because i was full, but rather tired of them. Ha ha. I miss steamboating but i get so tired cooking the food as well. Ha ha. Oh wells... that's me. These girls have been with me for more than 5 years dancing together. I would say that they are my homies. We survive hardship together! Till forever~ I hope. :D

And the rest of the week was pretty much doing the same thing everyday. Getting to places to chill with my notes. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, look around at the things and people around me, and back to my notes. The only bad part was the "getting to". I have had 2 cabbies given me ridiculous replies. I asked them which way were we going? And they replied, "My way/This way." I think i exploded in my head, but i guess he could tell from the tone of my voice that i was pretty pissed off. Obviously, I'm asking you which route, expressways or roads we're taking. It got me confused for awhile whether they really didn't know how to answer me or that they were trying to cheat me and my little money that i have. D; Pfft, weird people. My day was pretty bad yesterday. Not only did i miss my paper by a minute after having cabbed to school, without eating anything that morning, i missed my bus stop and spilled the soup that i was suppose to have for lunch.
And i hope today will be a better day. :D These choc biscuits given by the choreographer were really good. I like my rewards as food too.

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