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Welcome to our blog!.

♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Monday 11 March 2013 | 00:10 ©

hi guys! It's Monday again~ hehe 

so here am i continuing my post from last week! i will just blog about random stuff la ya? since i don't have much happening stuff going on anyway so i hope this post doesn't bore you guys out! haha

finally met up with the 'No Link' the week before! y'all know why our group name was named as that? cos each time when one of us is talking, either one or two will digress; not on the same topic or idk, or blanked out like me. hahahahaha sooooo...

pictures n more pictures~ gayhui being annoying as usual!

okay this is gayhui before i continue with my post. LOOK AT THAT PIMPLE *sorry i damn lazy to edit for you* HAHAHA please don't kill me when you see this but be honored i'm blogging about you hehe

okay for once he couldn't take a proper pic for us :/ with his weird hand gestures appearing in almost all our pics~

me with peiyinggggggggg! :) 

the trios in their own world~

seeee!! can't see axw! just can't take a proper one lol!

hahahahah axw looked damn shocked here. hehe so funny

basically more pics hahaha

errrr i think gayhui loves posing like that, the more retarded it is the better cos he simply loves it hehe

you seeeeee~

some girl shots without the gay around~


peiying // me! // axw // gayhui 

we met only once a year so seeyou guys next year uh! hahahahah just joking! BETTER MEET UP FOR PICNIC SESSION SOON!! I WANT I WANT!! hehe well catch up session was good as usual! having different cliques but one thing in common about em is I FEEL COMFORTABLE being around with em, can totally be myself, stoned/zonked out or lame or whatever also can! hehe

oh! Last week, I was talking about my bkk trip this coming Apr right? Totally can't wait for it! The last time i went i think it was about a year ago? damn long already and this time round i'm going for five days with my small sis! I'm gonna explore loads of new places (if possible) and not too rushing for us as well~ 

reliving the old days~ hehe 

first bkk trip! back in 2009? went with theng, xiang and thammy! taken at this seafood restaurant which sells damn good and fresh seafood?! hahaha okay i looked damn funny and ugly here sooo next~

2010 - with them all again! kind of missed it and i can still remember some Caucasians thought i'm tranny and one even asked if i'm a gay.. okay GAY?? but anw fun trip! 

missed going overseas with thammy and we should totally plan for a short one! maybe this year end?? hahaha

cute puppies at JJ market!

w theng! why do i have so much fats on my cheeks one..up till now~ 

2011 late feb - with yunhua and tham again! that's the year where i went mad and agreed to have my hair bleached and cut it bob..thats where everything else went wrong. hahahha



this is my favourite choco biscuits from Jack n Jill! I don't think Sg sells this so i'm gonna buy tons of it back when i'm there this time!! hehe i have a habit of buying choco stuff everytime i travel and that's the bad part cos those i like, Sg doesn't sell it!! :(

 2011 around late Aug? this time round with xw, heemii and my sister! Sis wasn't flying with us on the same day so i went to fetch her at the airport the next day! burden is burden hehehehe

oh! the damn gd and sinful banana prata! It was my first time having that and being a sweet tooth, i love it a lot! hehe but not with the banana thou..i dislike banana. :/ okay sorry contradicting i know so next~

us in our own world! esp heemii hahahaha

omg look at this girl here!! now y'all know why she is named the middle finger?!? aiyoooo


AND 2012 April! finally with the boyf! hehe

with a different clique! Us at one of the clubs there and it's so much better and fun than in Sg. I missed it! but i don't think i can go there this time and hopefully there's a next with TFFs!!?

okay this is the pinkie after taking some drugs hahahaha

the boyfs tryna act cool hahaha

still love you aplenty even after all those times
* please show me it's all worth it, worth the fight, worth the tears, worth the pain *

so i think this coming bkk trip will be my sixth? hehe and only with the small sis! i hope i won't be frozen or pissed to death cos she's so lame and.... hahahahaha


my selfie! headed home early last Mon!

Last wed, went to meet the boyf and headed over to bugis to get some stuff and we had this for din! Some cheap n yummy thai food at the third level of bugis street recommended by Carmen! My basil beef rice and thai iced tea~

our supper after that at Xin Wang! 

 Thursday! damn hectic and busy last week. Tons n tons of projects and emails coming in all in one shot! my dark eye circles :((

 Taking a break so did what girls do best~

damn tired eyes staring at the comp

REPOST from AXW! headed over to her place after work for some xoxo session! hehe yes been so long!! her place is so freaking near my office so i'm gonna try to stay-over at her place one fine day hehehe and i went back about 12 plus! :)

and finally i got my damnnnnnnn belated bd gift from TFFs!! Thankyou girls! been waiting for it hehehehehhe  looking very tired but actually i'm damn happy okay!! and alsoooo,

super pretty sun-glass from axw!! totally made my day~

and then it was TGIF!! I had this Nasi Briyani for lunch and it was quite yummy! hehe

finally met up with this girl after months! She's so busy with her studies and only managed to meet up last fri! So happy to meet all my closest friends

Our dinner over at Newton Circus! I love wingssss hehe

not enough slp and there it goes my swollen eyelids~

my ootd last Sat! off to my nephew's birthday party and grad show later in the evening!

the white dress that i bought in KL. cheap cheap cheap~ hehe

lovin the design of the back

Damian's 4th bd! Time flies~ and it's Mickey and Minnie Mouse themed party! I always love gatherings and parties with the cousins cos they always diy everything themselves! They are damn patient and creative la with the handicrafts! Look! hahahaha

haha this is the original pic

oh and i bought these Harrods stuff from my cousin! She shipped in a lot to sell hahahahaha quite cute right? 

and then off to the grad show with ma sissy~

crosses on ma face lol 

with the girls! old times~

with our lecturer Wayne! hahahaha now damn stylo already with his new haircut

sibeh sian with the gayhui~ and i bunned up my hair cos of the freaking weather. I can't stop sweating the moment i stepped out of air conditioned places arrghh

hehe k la my closest guy friend!

with another lecturer, Sean! didn't manage to see Larry thou

MARCUS!! ARE U READING?? HAHA he's our No. 1 stalker and he said he reads our blog before he sleeps every night~ 

part of my cls! :)


w the girls! time flies~ it has been 2yrs since we graduated!

some group shots with the SID 08' kids! yes still young at heart! hehe missed those tutu train days~ 

ending the night with the demin girls! 

OKOKAY I BETTER STOP!! BYEEEE PEEPS!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK AHEAD!! fill you all again with my mundane life next week~

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