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Welcome to our blog!.

♦ Gene ♦ Xiuwen ♦ Huimin ♦ Candice ♦ Carmen ♦



BKK TRIP DAY 1 - 22 JAN 2013
xoxo ♥ fivefingers | Tuesday 5 February 2013 | 00:00 ©

Hello earthlings! 

Feeling damn weird to be be back to blogging after neglecting my own blog for like months? Anyway, this is gna be a super long post filled w pics and words!pls tahan ah. :B
So after staying in Singapore for a year, I finally get to fly again!! Altho not to anywhere far, but BKK is good enough, shopping!! :) ( BUT I STILL MISS KOREA :( )

Our flight was on 22nd morning, around 11ish. Woke up ard 8? SOOO tired, didnt really slept well the previous night. My cousin , Esmond came to fetch my mom and me around 9 and off we went to the airport. Oh ya, theres something I cant not mention it, and thats Huimin is sooo forgetful!! hahaha.
My Thaibaht was w her, so I texted her to ask her if she brought my money along ( I alr reminded her the previous night to bring it ) and know what she told me? (she was alr at her house's downstairs) "OMG I FORGET TO BRING MINE ALSO" LOL smarty pants right. Imagine I never ask her then she never bring how?! Go bkk shop for air man , hor HM? hahahah
Upon reaching the airport,this pretty thingy caught my sight while waiting for HM.
Srsly, I was so excited at the airport, maybe cause too long nv travel alr hahaha.
So after checking in, we walkd around and took pictures here and there.
Panda display and us! ( Mom on the right and Hm on the left )

Angry bird astronaut hahaha.
The guy on the side is my cousin , E .
Had Nasi Lemak for breakfast and Otw to the boarding gate! (super far)
On the plane..

 The usual skies shot.

 but pretty right, hehe 

Couldnt sleep on the plane, so finally reached the land of smiles aft 2hrs!
Went downstairs to get a cab. Board a normal sized cab, thinking YAY finally no more scam, cause he is gna on his meter, and not anyhow quote a price. BUT WE WERE SO WRONG !!! 

Ok, so the usual camwhoring begins..
so happy right the smiles..
UNTIL, I noticed the meter jumping extraodinarily fast! 
Only for like 15mins of travelling or so, the fare alr jumped to like almost 100+baht?! 
So I told HM and both of us was like 
Did that changed in 2yrs ? (Cause we went thr 2yrs ago) For those who went to BKK before 
shld knw the cab fare is actually 100 plus baht to reach the city, but we havent even halfway thr alr 100+ baht! is like wtf?! The meter actually jumped once per 5seconds ok. 5 SECONDS. 
And then,i know that we kana scam alr!!!
Cannot jump cab also, cause is highway. SIGHHHHH. 
So this is the new way to scam, adjusting the meter's speed. Very smart.
Give us false hope man, thought why suddenly so good can go by meter. SIGHHH.

So thats the #1 bad exp for this trip. And the traffic is horrendous man srsly. 
Bangkok Jam much.
Anw, we saw this stretch of graffiti wall along the road, 
wanted to snap a better pic, but the cars no mercy.
Managed to snap this rly nice one tho, the bird and the owl!
nice right, very amazed w ppl w such artistic talents #envy  
So after like one hr, we finally reached our destination. 
The fare was a whooping 800plus baht.
I rather kana scam the old way, let them quote the price.. UGH
We stayed at Novotel Platinum, very good location, just next to Platinum shopping mall. 
So for those people like us, go BKK only for the sake of shopping, 
NP is a v good choice. The staffs damn friendly too! 
We got a connecting room, my mom , huimin and me to a room and my cousin w his mom. 
So this is how it looks like.
Yes , thats the bathroom next to the bed, but you can set for a "shield" to cover it. 
( But its still a bit obvious against the lights in the toilet ) 
And oh, theres no lock for the toilet hor.
 The view outside.
 Busy streets of Bangkok
After settling down and all, about one hr later, headed out to Union mall!
The bar at the recept area/lift area. Damn chill, esp at night.
Happy group shot in the lift..
And then on the cab, it proved that we rly got scammed, 
cause the meter was jumping as slow as 2yrs ago..
The journey to Union mall was ard 20mins or so? 
cost ard 110baht. Its a yellow building ( our first time thr )
 Once u come out of the escalator, you will be inside the mall.
The aircon damn power.
Walked around lookg for our lunch, and decided to eat KFC instead -.- right. 
Kinda regretted not eating something good instead. But howells..
 And they dont serve the normal colesaw. They serve this tuna thingy.
After that, shopping time (ard 3pm? bkk time)!! It was quite a huge mall lor!! Like bugis like that, but bigger. IMO, it was quite good, or rather better compared to Platinum. The stuffs were kinda nicer. But its not a wholesale mall, so not all the shops allows bargaining. But I think we succeeded in bargaining for all?
DAMN REGRET NV BUY THE DENIM STUDDED VEST :( wanted to go back thr on the last day to get it, but no time. sighhh. Walk till our legs wna rot alr but still didnt managed to fin walking. Left without exploring the top level . By the time we left was alr around 7pm. There were some stalls set up outside the mall. Cabbed to Terminal21 even tho we alr damnn tired. But die also mst go take a look. Photos spam below.



All the photos above are taken at lvl 1. 
Every level is of different country's theme. 
But I cannot rmb all the countries, so google it yourself if you wna know. heee =X 

Ok basically, we just went into every level's restrooms la, 
cause its like all different, damn nice leh. so amazing.
They gave us a valid reason to camwhore in the pretty restrooms.

The Japanese theme level!
Damn got ambience..

artsy fatsy right. hahahah

While Hm and my mom shops, camwhore w E
I like this cupid pic! but too bad its kinda blur... 
This is actually the toilet's cubical. The partition is mapped w the subway map.. 
London is it?

The hugeass bus. damn cool, and behind this "head" is all the shops as "body"

Happened to see some filming going on downstairs, but dont know is who la.

Random toilet signs..

Photos and more photos...
Looking like a real terminal right..

Hollywood level is actually the cinema.

Yap ok thats all for Terminal 21. hahaha . Left ard 9 plus 10. Super tired and hungry !
But still wanted to complete our plan, last destination to Siam night market. My cousin went back to the hotel to meet up w my aunt. So left the 3 of us , and walao. no cab wna take us. dno is they dun uds the location or what lor . damn pekcek. But finally we managed to get one after asking like 5? . And ya la, the usual killing jam..Right, so to my knowledge, Siam night market starts late and closes late.. BUT, to my surprise, when we reached thr, most of the stalls alr closing?! And then I was like..

Already so tired,but go thr still close so early?! O M G. 

Ok nvm, so we just speedwalked through to almost the end of the stretch and started walking backwards..But I think we didnt managed to buy anything?!  So it was like a wasted trip -.-! 
(Gene,ur fav key raging.hahaha*)
 But ok, at least we bought some street food back. 
which is only 3 sticks of chicken and 2 sticks of chicken wings? We left around 11? cant rmb, back to hotel. #heavennnn. SIBEH TIRED.
The usual loots photo..left 2 columns is Hm's and mine is the other 2 .
All black and white.
 After bathing and all, we had our room service! Felt totally #roomservice-ish 
cause there was even a table set up. 
I am not a suaku ok. Just that previously when we stayed in Baiyoke Sky, 
our room service only got delivered in a tray and not a properly set up table hor! 
So yap, we ordered phatthai , green curry and some claypot what black bean paste minced chicken rice, which is za BOMBZ. sibeh nice!
I think its the best among all. ME CRAVING FOR IT NOWWWW.
The bill totalled up to be like around 700+baht or smth. Quite ex? 
Cause baiyoke's rm service was like quite cheap. 
Initially wanted to order room service like a Queen everyday, but aiya too ex la. hahahah.
Sadly we didnt find any massage place so we didnt get to enjoy :( 
Went to bed w sore legs and backaches. 
Right, so thats all for Day 1 ! Stay tuned for Day 2 and 3!!
& if you really read through every single thing i wrote in this longass post..
Ending this post with a -just woke up and about to go out to shop- pic of me in day 2! 
 So yeah..


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